Programme (Q4)


September, October, November and December 2018


5th September.-          Diane Grey:-            Recording WW1 stories.

12th September.-        Bernard Hope:-        "Nearly 40 years at the Chalk Face"

19th September.-                (To be arranged)

26th September.-                (To be arranged)

3rd October.-             Val McGregor:-        "Letters and Post from the Front - WW1"

10th October.-                   (To be arranged)

17th October.-            Bill Saunders:-         "A brief history of the Co op"

24th October.-                    A.G.M.

31st October.-                    (To be arranged/DVD)

7th November.-          Linda King:-            "Victorian Customs and Superstitions"

14th November.-                (To be arranged)

21st November.-        Anthea Lang:-            "Suffragettes"

28th November.-                (To be arranged)

5th December.-          Peter Tallack:-            "Ten Years on the High Seas"

12th December.-                Quiz and Buffet.

19th December.-                Christmas Lunch at the Sea Hotel 12PM

26th December.-                Holiday, returning on January 9th 2019.....................

